What’s missing?

1 min readJan 21, 2021
Photo taken by author

Something is missing
Though what, not sure

Is it the joyful smile
Of loved ones;
Or the togetherness
Of loved ones

Something is missing
Though what, not sure

Is it a friend's call?
Or a trip to the shopping mall?
Is it a drink together?
Or just a reason to gather?

Something is missing
Though what, not sure

The long haul flight?
The indirect train?
The airport cab?
The drive home?

Something is missing
Though what, not sure

A meal together?
A "formal hall"?
A movie night?
A sleepover?

Something is missing
Though what, not sure

An inkling I have
Perhaps I know...

It’s that version of "me"
Whom now, I rarely see
The new version is a better me
But I miss the old "me"

Why though, is that so?

As times have changed
From the norm to a pandemic
Our lives have changed
In many many ways

Thankfully our 'inner-self' has been found
But the 'outgoing-self' has been long lost
A classic case of lost and found
Life’s mystery round and round

I hope that in the times to come
Outgoing once again, we will become
Devices and screens we’ll seek no more…
As humans we’ll go out and explore!

